Color Scanning

Black & White Scanning

and much more...

Our Scanning Gear:

The BetterLight Super 8K digital scanning back is one of the finest tools available for critical digital archiving and extraordinary reproductions. The color balance and toning controls provide exceptional control over the reproduction of delicate pastels or vibrant oil paintings with accurate rendition of any original, right down to the texture of the media with no film grain and accurate neutrals. It can capture an original up to 45" x 60" in a single scan with a file size of 550MB. We are able to scan 35mm, 4x5s, X-Rays and any reflective original whether its mounted or un-mounted with unparalleled sharpness and clarity. The PUMA G600 iJet is a large format scanner that captures exceptional 600 dpi images. Ideal for precision color and monochrome scanning, the 42" imaging area effortlessly handles large color posters, architectural sketches, detailed maps and drawings up to 0.6" thick without compromising on resolution or speed. The advanced 48-bit CCD technology guarantees picture-perfect details every time.

For additional products and services we offer, please see the directory below.